Check out all of the Colorado Springs Senior Center classes, events, programs and more!
Spring Classes
Starting in January
Downtown YMCA Classes
207 North Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Westside Cottages
1616 West Bijou Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Groups & Clubs

Having trouble with online registration?
Check out our quick step-by-step below!
1. Call the Senior Center at 719.955.3400 to create your account.
2. After you have created an account with our staff, you can register online with your email and password.
3. Enjoy all of the classes, events, programs and more that we offer!
Have you already created an account with our staff, but you don't remember your password?
Use the "Find Account" feature and search for your account by entering the email address you provided the Senior Center when you created your account! If you are having further trouble accessing your account, please contact
the front desk.
We offer online registration for classes and events!